Thursday, September 21, 2006
Day out at the Zoo!
Today we helped Kay's Mum aka, Grandma celebrate her birthday with a day at the zoo. I won't tell you her age coz that'll be a sure fire way to be expelled out of the will!! The weather was so so, with intermittent rain but that didn't dampen the spirits of the kids not to mention the little ones too!! We had an awesome time. The place has really changed in the few years since we last visited the family...HaHa!
This is a 16 year old elephant called "PERMUI" who was show-casing her tricks then the finale, the water spit. Very clever elephant. (Cool photo too)
This is one of the cute meerkats just enjoying the little bit of sun that graced us for a short time. No your not seeing double, well......yes you are really, thanks to some clever photographic skills!!
Who said not eating all your vegies makes you weak. Let me see Superman do this!!
Not to be out done, Georgia proves it can be done on one leg!!
This young wippersnapper didn't want to leave to comforts of home so she made dam sure her bum was firmly planted to that sheep skin seat cover in her pram. She had fun....but.....only on her terms. People that know Shenae, know just what I mean!!
Some more of the "locals". I like to call them....Curly, Larry & Moe. Don't really know why but it just seems to fit.
This young lady was huge. She must have stood 3 mtrs tall.
Not the best angle of this zebra I know but do you think the shit would turn around....NO! So we are stuck looking at it's bum. Say CHEESSSEEEE!!
Shit I had to look twice at this fella. Could have sworn this was a extended member of the family...........Ya never know!!!!?
Georgia & Nathan frolicking with some of the more well know locals. Addition #3 unfortunately was still stuck to the pram and refused to budge.
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