Thursday, March 23, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Holy earthworks Batman, is that progress I see???
I thought it was a mirage caused by the glistening sunlight bouncing off the brown/grey dirt in the mid afternoon sun but alas it is actual progress.
They have only been threatening these actions for the last 3 weeks. Once the pad is down we are in for an up to 4 week wait before they lay a brick! How's that for customer service!! Those 4 weeks are gonna f***king crawl by.
Posted by
6:01 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
More pics of me kiddies. I JUST CAN"T GET ENOUGH
Oh yea, you all thought that Spidie, Wonder Woman and The Incredibles were famous. Well let me introduce you to the not so famous but infamous- Geo Girl (alias Georgia)A long enough gaze will torture any little boy. Great at birthday parties:)
Mozzarella Mungrel (alias Nathan) Can inhale any cheese, any size, any smell at any time. Another great party trick. Is there a theme apparent??
And last but curtainly not least Typhoon Tyrant-(alias Shenae) a ruthless cruel ruler of all that does not belong to her. Nasty, nasty villian.
Posted by
6:41 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
The ball is rolling
Finally, we have some activity at our block. The footings have been dug and the pad should go down by the end of this week. Considering they have 3 days until the end of the week I'm not really that hopeful going on past wordings with the builder, but who knows I could be wrong.
Kay and I had a bet this afternoon prior to going down to get a progress report whether or not the slab was down. I WON!! Not a bet I enjoyed winning.
People told us that biulding again was going to be different. How right they were.
Just for interest it has been 8 months since signing up with the builder and 3 months since titles were available on the block and we received the go ahead from the city council. We were originally told we'll be in by Aug/Sept this year and at this rate, we'll be lucky to see Christmas in the new home. Anyway the house is still going to be beautiful and we can't wait to move in and restore some normality to our family.
Until next time, HooRoo
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7:45 PM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
No movement at the block
We are still waiting on movement at the block. We were told that things were gonna start the week of the 27th Feb but alas nothing as yet. We are getting pretty bloody toey now. Went to see the same house being built in another estate which just made things even harder as they are at lock-up. They have made quite a few changes that Kay and I wouldn't have and we both aggree that it looks "SHIT", I guess mainly because they have a house and we don't!!!SHIT, SHIT SSSSSHHHHHHIIITTTTTTTTT!!!!
They say that patient is something inherited not earned. That person is wrong on both accounts coz we signed up in July, titles available December 2005 and still no movement at the station. That would earn us the honour of being patient inherited or not.
Hoo Bloody Roo
Posted by
7:27 PM