This web page was made to provide friends and family current info on the VERMIN5 or better known as- Glenn, Kay, Georgia, Nathan & Shenae. Have a browse and see what we see. HooRoo.
We have windows and ceilings!!!!! It's amazing.
They have done more work in one week than than they have in the last 3 months, if ya know what I mean???
Stick a fire cracker in their pants and off they go!!
Posted by
6:23 PM
It looks so beautiful...
*sheds a tear*
Oh Nat don't cry there young lass! You to will have beautiful windows and render on the walls soon enough.
I'm just so happy for you.... sigh!
You need to use Mr Mean Glenn a lot more one suspects?
Hi Glenn,
House is looking good. When is the house warming and free beer???
Hey PollyWoffle,
Cool to hear from ya. Where the fuch are ya. I heard that you were leaving then poof you vanished, and not even as much as a kiss on da cheek. I spoke with Dot and she told me you sold the house..Cool....then she said you were leaving for a GP 9-5rr. What's the go????
Hope ya well. tell Dot to send me ya email so we can keep in touch.
Really cool to hear from ya.
Take care.
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