Sunday, November 19, 2006


Just a boring update without any pics. Looks like we should be in before Xmas after all. Had a site meeting on Friday. The house is almost finished. Just needed the final touches to the painting, door handles put on, front doors stained, stove put in and hooked up, dish washer installed, driveway paved, walls patched up, paint man hole cover, fix up laundry where they layed the wrong tiles (NOB HEADS!!!), finish the wiring, pave the alfresco, clean the eave paint off the brickwork, remove all the shit from the front yard and clean the inside of the house.

Man.........that sounds like a real Christmas list hey. Here's hoping.

Oh and it's offical........straight from the horses mouth......we are 74 working days behind schedule. That equates to 14 weeks. So our move in date should have been around the 12th August.
According to the bulider there is only 1 home that is slower than us. They are 98 days behind. Nice to know we aren't last but ya gotta feel for them.

Oh and I think I forgot to mention that when they delivered all the doors including the feature ones the house wasn't at lock-up. So.....that night the door fairies flew on over and took ALL OUR DOORS. I mean how stupid do you have to be??? Delivering stuff of value before the place is locked up and secured.

Frustrated doesn't even touch the surface.

The Verminator


Nat said...

We've got our final interview thingy on Wednesday.

Dave is going to Melbourne (he didn't tell me til a couple of days ago!) that day so I. Have. To. Go. There. Alone!


As if I'd know anything about hooses and such!

Any tips?

PS Glad you're all set to get in before Chrissie. It's dead exciting init?

Sparkle said...

I am so pleased for both of you. You will have to have Christmas house warming parties you and Nat. Do you live far from each other or is it miles away? So glad you are going to be in before Christmas. Love Sparklexxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to actually go into the house and see what ya've done with it. Jussi won't let me get out and have a look we just have to stare from the road. "Why get out of the car when you can't get in the house!!!" Keep us up to date mates.. Love Kathryn xxxx

UglyVermin said...

Hey Ya Nat. I can't believe how fast your house has gone up. That's bloody awesome. Ya boy's cheeky but hey!!! He's gonna miss all the fun. Any tips?...........Yea DON"T BLOODY DO IT AGAIN. Make sure ya Loo works. I heard of people's Poo removers not working. Imagine that Yuk. Good Luck!!

Sparkle, Me and ya Daught lives miles away but that's no excuse hey. We both ave bottle shops near by so I can't see a problem :))

Kathryn, the house is as messy outside as in so really ya not missin much. We have another inspection this arvo supposedly post cleaning. Yea right!! It's still gonna be a shit pit!